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Kasteel Helmond

Summer Castle Helmond

From Saturday July 6 to Sunday September 1, our castle has been transformed into Summer Castle Helmond again. Fun and educational for families and families. You can book your online ticket via the Buy your ticket button or at the castle counter.



The Summer Castle consists of various fun events, you can see them below. If you would like to attend, you can do so upon presentation of a valid entrance ticket to the castle. Do you just want to look around and/or play in the courtyard? This is also possible without an entrance ticket.

Meet the castle guides

During your visit you will certainly encounter them: our castle guides. They tell you about our castle, its residents and its history. You can recognize the castle guides by their beautiful castle clothing, they also tell stories about special and exciting places in the almost 700-year-old largest square moated castle in the Netherlands. The castle guides are present every day during the Summer Castle, from 11:30 am to 3:30 pm (except on Mondays).

Do you already know the secret of this antique cupboard?

Do you already know the secret of this antique cupboard?

The inhabitants of the castle

Who lived in the castle? What did they look like? What did they eat, what did they do, and how did it actually go: managing a castle? Our castle residents can tell you all about it. You will meet them during your visit to the Summer Castle. Who exactly will be there is still a little surprise. The cooks probably do, they will show you how cooking was done in the past. The castle residents are present every day during the Summer Castle from 10:30 am to 4:00 pm (except on Mondays).

The cook shows what they ate in the Middle Ages

The cook shows what they ate in the Middle Ages

Search & play

What do the castle cellars actually look like? And what did they do there in the Middle Ages? See and discover it for yourself, for example through various quests that you can do. And in the cellars you can not only experience the castle story, but also play cool games. Because what exactly does a lord of the castle wear? And what does he eat? You can play and explore in the castle cellars and in the courtyard every day during the Summer Castle, except on Mondays.

Play the games in the castle cellars

Play the games in the castle cellars

Dress up like a real medieval person

Pull out a beautiful knight suit or princess dress from the castle closet and transform yourself into a real knight or princess! Of course this is done under the supervision of our castle guides. And if you are wearing such a cool outfit, take a selfie on the throne in the Ridderzaal. That’s how cool or pretty you look! You can dress up every day during the Summer Castle, except on Mondays.

Would you also like to become such a cool knight?

Would you also like to become such a cool knight?

The stories of the Reading Room

The castle residents have a lot to say, because they experience all kinds of things in this city castle. Do you want to know exactly what they have to say? Then come and listen during the Summer Castle on the following dates and times: every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and every Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Except on Mondays.

The storytellers are full of stories, are you listening?

The storytellers are full of stories, are you listening?

The secrets of the castle garden

The garden around the castle has many secrets, for example there is a bench that has seen a lot in its existence, and our castle residents know all about it. During the Summer Castle you can take the family tour of the Secrets of the Castle Garden on the following dates and times: every Tuesday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.

The lush castle garden full of secrets

The lush castle garden full of secrets

Birds of prey, oooh, that’s exciting!

During the Summer Castle you can come and watch a demonstration with birds of prey. That can be quite exciting! The demonstrations will take place on the following dates and times: on Wednesday 10, 17, 24 and 31 July, 7 and 14 August from 12.30 pm to 3.30 pm in the castle courtyard. Will we see you then?

Pictured with the eagle owl

Pictured with the eagle owl

Lucas Gassel’s workshop

Come see and do things in the workshop of our Helmond master of the landscape: Lucas Gassel van Helmond. He was a sixteenth-century painter who grew up in Helmond. How did he paint, and with what ingredients? You will learn all this, and much more, in his studio. Also admire the one and only painting by Gassel that our museum purchased in the Lucas Gassel tower room a little further away. You can visit the workshop every day during the Summer Castle, except on Mondays.

Participate in Lucas Gassel's Workshop!

Participate in Lucas Gassel’s Workshop!

Make your scent and tea bag

You can also enjoy crafting during the Summer Castle, how about making your own scent and tea bag? This is possible every day, except Monday, during the Summer Castle.

Food and drink

Come and have a drink or a meal in our attractive Castle café. Of course, there are also ready for you: cool drinks and dishes when the summer weather is lovely, warm and nice. Open every day during the Summer Castle, except Mondays.